Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"There is no room for that beer; the fridge is full of microgreens."

A few weekends ago Max B. and I dreamed about what we'll do when we have excess bounty from the Farmitage. (We hope we didn't get ahead of ourselves.) To explore this ideal, we ran an experiment using extra microgreens produced in the science lab run in the daytime by Max B. and The Breach.

We had about 5 lbs. of various microgreens (radish, sunflower, cress, etc.) to use up--all on the bitter side. What to do when you have excess bitter greens that are best served uncooked? Clearly, pesto! Since pesto is raw and vegetable-based, there aren't really any hard rules which was a plus to the medium. After a search for "microgreen pesto" gave us nothing, we tagged in arugula and had options galore, none of which were off the table, including dubious ones like yours, Robert Love.

Our tools were pretty basic: a food processor (with an engine that smells like burning), a cheese grater, wine, stale baguette, and a few Lyle Lovett albums, most notably Pontiac. The night proceeded accordingly and ended with a classic taste test. Summation: Our hypothesis that microgreens can replace arugula was indeed correct, and roasted garlic is still the best pesto ingredient.

Anyway, I think the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. Enjoy!

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