Monday, May 4, 2009

Vigorously Till And Sow The Fruitful Earth!

In honor of International Workers Day and the joint government-union takeover of Chrysler, the crew met on Saturday, May 2 for a long day devoted to purifying work. Stretching our limbs in the bright summer sun, we labored long and hard to ensure a collectively bountiful future for our children and our children's children.

With so many tasks before us, we split into three teams to ensure maximum efficiency and control over the means of production.

1. Project Plant the Earth with Many Sprouting Shoots took place in and around Nighthawk, where Brooke Fly and Max B. transplanted onions, lettuces, and spinach from our indoor grow labs.

2. Project Collect the Nourishing Tears of Heaven
involved The Breach and Koan rigging a platform for our soon-to-be-online rain barrel system from discarded bricks, slimy clay, and chicken wire.

3. Project Clear the Front Yard of Capitalist Weeds and Sow It Gently With Healthful and Flowering Seeds saw RIK and Half-Pint cleaning, tilling, and planting the front yard ("The Hangar") with Rodeo Oats, Hairy Vetch, and Field Peas.

Photos below the fold.

Behold the 'Tage

Max. B and The Breach are toolsy.

Cassie supervises RIK and Half Pint in The Hangar.

We told The Breach there was a Snickers at the bottom of the barrel,
but it was really an ornery raccoon.

Max B. and Brooke Fly tend with maternal care
to precious baby onions.

"Looks great, guys! Now how do I cross."

RIK commands rain to fall on The Hangar.

Soon, soon, soon . . . .


  1. wait, where did that dog come from

  2. Good question! Where the hell did that dog come from, I thought she got sniped in our last set of photos.

    Things get stranger at the 'Tage with every passing day . . . .
